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The distribution and releasing rate of methane in sediment of culture area in Rushan Bay

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学化学化工学院

出  处: 《海洋水产研究》 2008年第6期101-107,共7页

摘  要: 选择乳山湾养殖滩涂为研究对象,测定了不同养殖密度区底质中CH4浓度、有机质含量和硫化物含量以及相关环境因子;探讨了不同沉积物剖面甲烷浓度与有机质、硫化物的关系。结果表明,乳山湾养殖滩涂区域海水中溶存甲烷的平均浓度为59.9±7.75nmol/L,不同养殖密度区海水中的甲烷含量无明显差异。底泥释放甲烷速率的实验显示,不同养殖密度区中沉积物的甲烷释放速率:非养殖(老化)区(高密度区(中密度区(低密度区。沉积物间隙水中甲烷的浓度随深度的增加而降低,剖面上高浓度中心位于0~5cm,在不同密度区同一深度的底质中甲烷含量均表现为:非养殖(老化)区≥中密度区(低密度区(高密度区。不同剖面沉积物间隙水中甲烷浓度与有机质的垂直分布呈显著正相关,与硫化物的垂直分布呈显著负相关关系。 In this paper, the methane(CH4), sulfide, organic C concentration and related environment factors in the sediment of culture area in Rushan Bay were measured; the relation- ship between the concentration of methane at different depth and that of organic C and sulfide was discussed. The results showed that the variation of CH4 concentration in seawater at areas of different cultivation density was not significant with mean values of 59.90 ± 7.75 nmol/L. The releasing rate of methane in different cultivation density areas was. non-cultured area〉high density area〉medium density area〉low density area. The CH4 concentration, in terms of vertical distribution, decreased generally with the increase of sediment depth. The higher CH4 concentration was observed at top 0-5 cm through sediment profiles. The CH4 concentration in the same depth of different density areas was. non-cultured area≥medium density area〉low density area〉high density area. In terms of vertical distribution, the CH4 concentration in the porewater had a significant positive correlation with OM cowcentration and a significant negative correlation with sulfide concentration.

关 键 词: 养殖区底泥 甲烷 硫化物 有机质 释放速率 乳山湾

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 叶飞


机构 华南理工大学


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