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Hypochlorite Bleaching of Sulfite Bagasse Pulp with Chemical Agents

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院

出  处: 《纸和造纸》 2009年第1期27-30,共4页

摘  要: 采用次氯酸钙对亚硫酸盐蔗渣浆进行漂白实验,主要有次氯酸盐常规漂和高温漂,添加酰胺类助剂漂白,添加生物酶预处理的漂白及增加过氧化氢的漂白。结果表明,有效氯用量是白度增幅的最重要因素,在10%用量以内更加明显;高温次氯酸盐漂白在此与常规漂相当,用氯量在3%~6%范围内每增加1%用量白度增加4%;添加漂白助剂后反使白度增幅降低;生物酶预处理可以明显提高浆白度,无论是否添加漂白助剂,漂后成浆白度相当;增加过氧化氢漂白后,与过氧化氢用量(1%~6%)相比,次氯酸盐用量(3.5%~10%)对白度贡献大得多;过氧化氢漂后成浆的返黄值随用氯量增大稍增大,但都很低。 The paper studied chlorite bleaching sulfite bagasse pulp (16.3 of K value). It included chlorite bleaching at low temperature, at high temperature, at addition of bleaching additives, with enzyme pretreatment, at last with combination of peroxide bleaching. The results showed that the active chlorine dosage is the most effective factor for whiteness, typically within 10% of dosage at low temperature chlorite bleaching. But at high temperature, the bleaching is performed similarly, and at the range of 3%-6% of active chlorine, the pulp whiteness can increase 4% with increase of 1% active chlorine. After addition of bleaching additives, bleached pulp is less whiteness than that without addition. Enzyme pretreatment could obviously improve the pulp whiteness after chlorite bleaching, no matter whether the bleaching additives were used or not. Hydrogen peroxide were compared with chlorite under combination of HP two stage bleaching, and the chlorite (3.5%-10%) was found much more contribution to whiteness increase than peroxide (1%-6%). After peroxide bleaching, the post color number of pulp is slightly increased with the active chlorine increase, but the numbers are all small.

关 键 词: 次氯酸盐 生物酶 漂白 亚硫酸盐 蔗渣浆

领  域: [轻工技术与工程]




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