机构地区: 茂名学院文法学院
出 处: 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2008年第6期100-102,共3页
摘 要: 水行政听证制度是中国水法的一项重要制度,但有关水行政听证的概念以及法律问题还存在许多法律漏洞。通过分析中国水行政听证法律制度中听证范围、听证主持人的法律地位以及听证自由裁量权等问题的探讨,对中国水行政听证法律制度提出完善的建议。 The water administration hearing system is very important one in China's Water Law, but there still have many loopholes in water administration hearing system. Through analyzing the scope of the water administration hearing, the legal status of hearing's emcee, and the right of self-decision, this paper makes some suggestions on how to perfect legal system of water administration hearing in China.