机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《高等教育研究》 2008年第11期98-102,共5页
摘 要: 廖承志长期主持国家侨务工作,是新中国华侨高等教育的重要开拓者。他心系侨胞,关心侨教,积极支持"华侨最高学府"暨南大学两度在广州复校,担任学校董事会董事长,并创办华侨大学,担任该校校长,使莘莘华侨学子得以负笈内地,蒙受中华文化之恩泽。他为新中国华侨高等教育事业的兴办与发展做出了重要贡献。 Liao Cheng-zhi, who was for a long time in charge of the overseas Chinese af- fairs, was known as an important pioneer in higher education of overseas Chinese. He showed great concern for overseas Chinese and passionately advocated and supported the reestablishment of Ji'nan University in Guangzhou in 1958 and 1978. Liao was not only Chairman of the board of directors of Ji'nan University but also principal of Huaqiao University. With Liao's great efforts, overseas Chinese can acquire knowledge and gain a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture. Liao Cheng-zhi made remarkable contributions to the initiation and development of overseas Chinese higher education.