机构地区: 中国建筑科学研究院
出 处: 《建筑结构》 2008年第11期108-110,73,共4页
摘 要: 对实测到的人的跳跃和行走激励行为进行分析,提出了相应的简化数学模型。在已知激励输入后,利用弹性时程分析方法可计算出结构的竖向振动反应。在简支楼板的振动测试试验中,实测结果和弹性时程分析结果之间呈现较好的对比性,为实际工程楼盖竖向振动舒适度的判断提供了依据。 The uncomfortable feeling caused by floor vibration is being paid more attention by the domestic structure designers. According to the testing results of walking and jumping excitation, the simplified mathematic model is put forward. The response of the floor caused by walking and jumping excitation can be solved with the time-history analysis method. It shows good consistency between the calculation results and the test results on the simple supported slab vibration testing. The time-history method may be used to judge whether the floor vibration die to human activities is satisfied.