机构地区: 中国农业大学资源与环境学院土地资源管理系
出 处: 《国土资源科技管理》 2008年第6期11-17,共7页
摘 要: 以北京市重点发展的新城之一顺义区为例,基于1996-2006年顺义区城镇建设用地与农村居民点用地变化分析,得出两者都以快速增长为变化特征,造成顺义区境内近10年建设占用耕地面积高达区域总面积的1/5。这一趋势与国家及北京市大力倡导的集约节约利用建设用地和严格保护优质耕地思想相悖,急需以控制建设用地总量,城乡建设用地增长联动的思路来规划调控用地。通过以行政村为单位,构建"土地自然生产能力评价体系"和"区域经济发展潜力评价体系",并应用ArcGIS6.5和SPSS11.5的分析功能,将两套评价结果空间叠加,生成高生产能力高发展潜力、高生产能力低发展潜力、低生产能力高发展潜力和低生产能力低发展潜力四个类型区域,并分别提出城乡建设用地指标配置方向。 The rural-urban fringe is the region where land use variation is the most active in the suburban expansion of a city. Taking Shunyi District, one of the new towns being developed in the City of Beijing, based on the land use analysis of urban construction land and rural residential areas in Shunyi District during 1996 to 2006, this paper discovers that urban construction land and rural residential areas were characterized by rapid increase and led to the farmland impropriation equal to 1/5 of the total area in the past ten years, which is contrary to the idea, vigorously advocated by the state and Beijing government, of intensive and economical use of construction land and of protecting cropland strictly. So it is urgent to plan and control land use ,making urban and rural construction land grow intemctively. Furthermore, taking villages as evaluation units, land productivity evaluation system and regional economic development pressure evaluation system were constructed respectively. And with the analysis function of Arcgis6.5 and SPSS 11.5, this paper advances four types of regions and provides land use allocation model for the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.
领 域: [经济管理]