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Caobangia A.R.Smith & X.C.Zhang(Polypodiaceae),a newly recorded fern genus from China

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所

出  处: 《植物分类学报》 2008年第6期916-918,共3页

摘  要: 报道了在广西西南部发现的一个中国新记录属——高平蕨属Caobangia A.R.Smith & X.C.Zhang,该属隶属于水龙骨科Polypodiaceae瓦韦亚科Lepisorioideae,与瓦韦亚科中的骨牌蕨属Lepidogrammitis、瓦韦属Lepisorus和伏石蕨属Lemmaphyllum在形态上较相似,区别在于该属具有长的丝状横走茎,茎上的鳞片基部呈粗筛孔状,叶单一(不分裂),同型或近二型,密被针状鳞片,孢子囊群着生于中脉两边各一行,无隔丝。该属只含一种,即高平蕨Caobangia squamata A.R.Smith & X.C.Zhang,目前仅知分布于越南北部的高平省和中国广西的西南部。本文根据原始文献和广西的标本对该单型属的特征作了描述,并提供了高平蕨在广西的生态照片。 Caobangia A. R. Smith & X. C. Zhang, originally described from northern Vietnam, was recently collected from southwestern Guangxi, China. The genus is similar to Lepidogrammitis, Lepisorus and Lemmaphyllurn, but differs by having long-creeping filiform rhizomes with clathrate rhizome scales, monomorphic to subdimorphic simple blades with dense acicular scales. Caobangia is a monotypic genus, with only one species, namely C. squamata A. R. Smith & X. C. Zhang, which at present is only found in Caobang Province of northem Vietnam and southwestern Guangxi of China. According to the original literature and specimens from Guangxi, the characteristics of this monotypic genus are described, and habitat photos of C. squamata are also provided.

关 键 词: 高平蕨属 高平蕨 中国 新记录属 水龙骨科

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]




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