机构地区: 中南财经政法大学法学院
出 处: 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第6期138-143,共6页
摘 要: 为了丰富竞争法的法权理论,采用语义分析、历史分析和规范分析的方法,对市场主体的公平竞争权进行研究,结果表明:作为竞争法基石范畴的公平竞争权是市场主体在经济竞争过程中所享有的开展自由、公平竞争的权利。其权利主体是进行竞争活动的一切经营者,义务主体是负有不侵犯市场主体公平竞争权的一切组织和个人;公平竞争权的客体包括个体利益和社会整体利益;在内容上公平竞争权包括反不正当竞争权和反垄断权。 In order to enrich the rights of competition law, semantic, historical and canonical analyses were used to study the fair competition right of market entities. The study shows that as the footstone category of competition law, fair competition right is the market main body which takes the right to compete freely and fairly in the economic competition process. The main body of fair competition right includes all market main bodies, the main body of obligation includes the country, other market main bodies and the consumer; the object benefit of fair competition right comprises individual benefit and social holistic benefit ; The content of fair competition right comprises counter - unlawfully competition right and antimonopoly right.