机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
出 处: 《齐鲁学刊》 2008年第6期115-120,共6页
摘 要: 宋代滑稽戏多有嘲谑宰相的现象,这与宰相的地位职权、戏剧的演出场合以及伶人的讽谏精神有关。谚语"台官不如伶官"的出现,既是台官受制于宰相,不能或不敢行使纠弹权所致,又是伶人依附于皇权并向士大夫靠拢,讽谏精神得到维持并增强的结果。而由于立场、需求不同,皇帝、宰相及其他人对滑稽戏的接受情况各异,对滑稽戏发展的影响也有差别。 The prime ministers are usually teased in the humor-dramas of the Song Dynasty. It's mainly decided by three factors such as the status of prime minister, the performance occasion and the actor's spirit of suggestion. At that time, the proverb the supervision official being behind the actors' leader is very popular and the reasons are as follows: on the one hand, the supervision officials are controlled by the prime ministers and have no freedom to use their power of suggestion; On the other hand, the actors entitle themselves to the power of suggestion by relying on the emperors and learning from the Literati. In addition, because the standpoint and need is not the same, the emperors, prime ministers and others have different acceptance and influence on the humor-dramas.
领 域: [文学]