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Studies on Weed Population Dynamic and Niche in Orchard at Southwestern Zhejiang Province

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 衢州学院

出  处: 《江苏农业学报》 2008年第5期649-655,共7页

摘  要: 调查了浙西南红黄壤果园杂草种类、高度、密度。结果表明,共有杂草80种,隶属27科。杂草数量最多的为禾本科,占杂草总数的25.0%;其次是菊科,占杂草总数的13.8%;杂草种类出现最多月份,是3月份,该月有23种杂草出现,有66.7%主要杂草年生长时间超过6个月。同一季节的杂草生态位重叠值较大,时间生态位重叠值最大的为马唐(Digitaria ischaemum)和铁苋菜(Herba acalyphae),垂直生态位重叠值最大的为马唐和铁苋菜(0.910)。垂直生态位和时间生态位宽度最大的均为小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis),水平生态位宽度最大的为马唐,综合生态位宽度最大的为马唐。不同季节杂草优势种不同,冬春季果园杂草优势种为早熟禾(Poa annua)、猪殃殃(Galiumaparine)、看麦娘(Alopecuurus aequalis)、牛繁缕(Malachium aquaticum)、婆婆纳(Veronica didyma)、马唐;夏秋季果园杂草优势种为马唐、铁苋菜、牛筋草(Eleusine indica)、小飞蓬、旱稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)。 An investigation of the weeds in red soil orchard of Southwestern Zhejiang was carried out. There were 80 species of weeds, belonging to 27 families respectively, among which the gramineae had the biggest population, occupying 25.0% of the total weeds. Following was the asteraceae, occupying 13.8% of the total weeds. Weed species appeared the most in March with 23 species in total. Weeds growth period was more than six months in one year,accounting for 66. 7%. Weeds niche overlap was big in the same season. The greatest time niche overlap of weed was crabgrass and copperleaf. The greatest vertical niche overlap of weed was crabgrass and copperleaf. The greatest vertical niche breadth and time niche breadth was little fleabane. The greatest level niche breadth was crabgrass. The greatest integrated niche breadth was crab- grass. The dominant species in spring and winter orchard were Kentucky bluegrass and bedstraw-bovine-Chickweed. The dominant ones in summer and autumn orchard were crabgrass, copperleaf, goose grass and little fleabane and E. hispidula.

关 键 词: 红黄壤果园 杂草 消长动态 生态位宽度 优势种

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 肖曾艳
作者 张佳
作者 朱海鹏
作者 叶丹青
作者 赵晋良


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院地理科学系
机构 嘉应学院
机构 嘉应学院医学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林