机构地区: 北京航空航天大学外国语学院
出 处: 《山东外语教学》 2008年第5期3-8,共6页
摘 要: 《认知语言学》较好地涵盖了认知语言学的核心内容,体现了认知语言学的内部体系。全书把看似零散的理论纳入到认知语言学的整体框架以及哲学假设之中,让读者能够把握认知语言学的整体轮廓。全书内容比例分配合理,结构上逻辑性强。该书为剑桥语言学教科书系列(Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)中的一本,彰显出《认知语言学》的经典性。 The book of Cognitive Linguistics (Croft and Cruse, 2004) is one of the most comprehensive textbooks ever published in the field of cognitive linguistics. It covers the fundamental core theories developed in the past few decades, and organizes the various theories under the general framework of cognitive linguistics and philosophical hypothesis. It is also included in the series of Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. This book is recommended to the linguistics majoring students, linguistics teachers, and other researchers with a general interest in Cognitive Linguistics.