机构地区: 东莞理工学院城市学院
出 处: 《教育科学》 2008年第5期15-20,共6页
摘 要: 教师资源是教育的第一资源。教师资源的优化配置,是教师人事制度改革的价值追求。在义务教育学校实行教师聘任制面临着一些内隐困境,包括制约义务教育学校教师聘任制可行性的逻辑困境、法理困境及宏观发展困境,其实质是义务教育系统特殊性与现行教师聘任制有关政策法规之间冲突与融合的矛盾组合。 Teacher is the primal resource of education. How to optimize teacher resource is the pursuit of the reform of primary and middle school teacher personnel system. But there has internal predicament in Teacher Engagement System of Schools Carrying out Compulsory Education, such as logic predicament of feasibility, legal dilemma and macro-development predicament. In reality, it is combined contradiction between present rules of teacher engagement system of schools carrying out compulsory education and compulsory education systematic peculiarity.