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Progress on Thymic Peptide

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学动物科学学院

出  处: 《动物医学进展》 2008年第10期57-60,共4页

摘  要: 胸腺肽是由胸腺的组织上皮细胞分泌的一组小分子活性肽,能通过影响淋巴细胞以及IL-2和NK细胞等因子的活性来调节机体的免疫功能。胸腺肽的有效组分主要包括胸腺素α1、胸腺生成素、胸腺体液因子和血清胸腺因子,其在机体内的分泌及活性随年龄、光照、激素和微量元素水平的变化而发生改变。人工合成胸腺肽已广泛地应用于各种免疫性疾病以及感染性疾病的临床治疗,取得了明显的疗效;但由于价格昂贵,其在兽医上的应用受到了限制。科研工作者在研究其作用机理及治疗效果外,也在不断探索基因工程胸腺肽在临床应用方面的新途径,以改善和提高临床治疗效果。 Thymic peptides extracted from epithelial cells of thymus are a group of high active peptides with low molecular weight. Thymic peptides can regulate immune functions of organism by affecting the activities of lymphoeyte,IL-2 and NK cells. The effective components of thymic peptides include thymosin α1, thymopoietin 5,thymic humoral factor and seral thymic factor. And Their secretion and activities change with the age, light intensity, the levels of hormones and trace elements. The synthetic thymic peptides have been widely used in clinic now. But it was greatly limited in common veterinary clinic because of its high price. Therefore, researchers study the mechanism of action and the therapeutic efficacy of thymie peptides, at the same time, they also explore genetic engineering thymic peptides in the clinical application of new approach for the enhancement of clinical therapeutic efficacy.

关 键 词: 胸腺肽 免疫调节剂 生物学功能 临床应用

领  域: [生物学]




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