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Experimental Studies on the Grinding Characteristic and Cementitious Activity of pyrolytic converter steel slag

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院

出  处: 《水泥工程》 2008年第5期16-18,共3页

摘  要: 针对转炉热闷罐钢渣,开展了钢渣粉磨特性以及钢渣粉体的勃氏比表面积对其胶凝活性影响的试验研究。结果表明:转炉热闷罐铜渣的勃氏比表面积S(m^2/kg)与粉磨时间t(min)呈一阶指数衰减关系,其方程为S=716.19-624.94·exp(-t/56.73):当转炉热闷罐钢渣的勃氏比表面积为276~680m^2/kg以及w(水泥):w(钢渣):w(矿渣)=50:15:35时,提高转炉热闷罐钢渣粉体的细度。对水泥-钢渣-矿渣胶凝材料的强度性能并无明显改善作用,有时反而产生不利影响。 Experimental studies on pyrolytic converter steel slag' s grinding characteristic and the effect of specific surface area on its eementitious activity had been carried out. The results show that the Blaine specific surface area (S, m^2/kg) of converter steel slag increases with grinding time t (rain) by the first order exponential attenuation function as the equation of S=716.19-624.94·exp (-t/ 56.73) .While the Blaine specific surface area was 276-680 (m^2/kg) and the mass ratio of components in cementitious material was w (cement) :w (steel slag) :w (blast furnace slag) =50:15:35, increasing the fineness of converter steel slag could not significantly improve the strength property of cement-steel slag-blast furnace slag cementitious materials and sometimes even have adverse effect.

关 键 词: 热闷罐钢渣 粉磨特性 胶凝活性

领  域: [化学工程] [化学工程]




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