机构地区: 同济大学土木工程学院桥梁工程系
出 处: 《公路工程》 2008年第4期29-33,41,共6页
摘 要: 延性抗震设计与减隔震设计是目前桥梁抗震设计中2种常用的设计方法。对2种方法的思想、机理及适用范围进行了对比和分析,并应用2种方法对一座钢筋混凝土连续梁桥进行了抗震设计,通过对减震装置力学参数的优化分析得出了合理的减隔震措施。根据2种抗震设计方法的计算结果提出了最终的抗震设计方案。 Ductility design and isolation design is analyzed and compared in this paper. A practical seismic design adopting ductility design and isolation design method for a continuous girder bridge under the extreme severe seismic excitation is presented, mechanic parameter of isolation device is studied, the proper aseismic measures is accordingly recommended in the end. Results can be used as reference.