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Effects of Methanol Extracts from 23 Plants on the Bioactivity of Cabbage Worm, Pieris rapae

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江省柑橘研究所

出  处: 《江西植保》 2008年第3期103-105,共3页

摘  要: 在室内研究了23种植物甲醇提取物对菜青虫的生物活性。结果表明,在供试的23种植物中以曼陀罗的生物活性最强,药后24h菜青虫3龄幼虫死亡率达83.33%,其次为鸢尾,药后48h死亡率为80.00%;再次为爵床和玉簪,药后72h死亡率分别为81.85%和79.26%;其它依次为白骨钉、博落茴、羊踯躅、灯台莲,药后72h死亡率均在62.00%以上。药后72h死亡率在40.00%以上的植物还有养耳菊、江南山梗菜、土荆芥、菖蒲、莽草、万年青、金钱吊乌龟等7种,对菜青虫3龄幼虫生物活性不十分明显的植物有清风藤等8种。 The study was conducted to test the insecticidal efficacy of 23 plant extracted by methanol against larvae of cabbage worm, Pieris rapae L. The results were as follows: among 23 plants provided for experiment, the extract from biological activity of Datura metal had the best effect on cabbage worm, and the mortality of 3th larvae was 83.33% after 24 hours of treatment. Biological activity of Iris tectorum Maxim was the second highest, the mortality of cabbage worm was 80.00% after 48 hours of treatment. Herba Rostellulariae and Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers were following Datura metal and Iris tectorum Maxim., the mortality of cabbage worm were 81.85% and 79.26% after 72 hours of treatment. Then the following plants were Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam, Macleya cordata, Rhododendron moll CtDon, and Arisaema sikokianum var. serratum, the mortality of cabbage worm were all above 62.00% after 72 hours of treatment. There were other plant extracts which the mortality of cabbage worm were above 40.00% after 72 hours of treatment. These plants were Inula cappa , Lobelia davidii, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Typha orientalis , Illicium lanceolatum, Rohdea japonica and Stephania cepharantha. The rest 8 tested plants such as Sabiajaponica maxim, and Abiesfirma had no effect on larvae of cabbage worm.

关 键 词: 植物源杀虫剂 杀虫活性 菜青虫

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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