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The Role Dilemma of the Catholic Church in the Modern West:From the Perspective of Cognitive Differences among Sub-cultures

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院

出  处: 《历史研究》 2008年第4期122-142,共21页

摘  要: 在西欧社会由中世纪向近代转变过程中,天主教会曾发起一场以"护教"为宗旨的自救运动,但最终还是陷入新的社会困境。对于这一历史现象,传统史学多从天主教会自身腐朽角度或从上层社会及文化精英对天主教会势力的消解方面予以阐释,而对普通民众在此过程中的作用则较为忽视。通过对教会上层文化观念与普通民众文化观念的考察和比照,可以发现,在对天主教会流弊的认识上,二者之间存在诸多差异,而教会从"一统天下"的价值尺度出发又拒绝对这种差异进行折衷。结果是教会在护教的旗帜下进一步走向"精英化",与普通民众的距离渐行渐远。由此可以看出,在导致天主教会陷入角色困境的诸种因素中,普通民众是不可忽略的一环,尽管这一阶层在常规历史学著作中经常是沉默无言的,但它在实际的历史进程中却是有声有色的。 In the course of Western Europe's transformation from a medieval to a modern society, the Catholic church launched a movement aimed at 'protecting the faith' to save itself. However, it ended up falling into a new social dilemma. Traditionally, historians have mostly ascribed this outcome to the corruption of the Catholic church, or the weakening of its influence by upper class society and cultural elites, while the role of ordinary people has been generally overlooked. Observation and comparison of cultural ideas in the upper echelons of the church and among ordinary people reveals great differences in their perceptions of church corruption. Since the church held firm to the yardstick of unitary values, it refused to compromise on these differences. The result was that under the banner of 'protecting the faith,' the church moved toward elitism, ever farther away from ordinary people. This shows that among the reasons for the role dilemma in which the Catholic church found itself, the part played by ordinary people should never be overlooked. Even though this stratum is silent in conventional works of history, they play an active role in the actual historical process.

关 键 词: 价值观教会 民众 特兰特会议 神学院

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 林锡星
作者 黄茂勇
作者 徐文俊
作者 王宾
作者 尹红晓


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 汕头大学


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽