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Quantitative analysis and optimization of the landscape patterns based on GIS and FRAGSTATS in urban areas: a case in Changsha

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院

出  处: 《生态环境》 2008年第4期1554-1559,共6页

摘  要: 以长沙市为例,结合长沙市2000年4月份Landsat TM影像和1∶250000地理信息矢量数据库,借助Arc/view和Arc/Info软件,对其景观进行分类,并形成景观分类图,一级分类6个类型,在此基础之上进行二级分类,共分为15种景观类型。并用景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS软件计算了各类景观参数,并从斑块、类型和景观3个水平上,计算了相应的参数和景观指数,定量的揭示了整个景观格局与类型特征。研究结果表明,分布面积占研究区总面积达46.8707%的有林地景观其连接性、完整性比其他景观类型好,是研究区的基质,但斑块和景观的空间形状较为复杂,表现出强烈的干扰特征。水田的斑块数量最多,受人为活动影响强烈。天然草地,改良草地,滩涂表现出萎缩特征。从各类用地的空间组合来看,除了城镇相对集中的城区等几个地方外,农村居民点多为耕地和林地景观所隔开,各城镇和农村居民点由道路或水系连接。定量分析城市景观的空间格局,将有助于深入研究景观格局的形成机制和理解城市景观的格局与过程。在此基础上初步探讨了基于景观格局优化的城市生态系统的内部空间布局。研究结果对长沙市景观生态规划有指导意义。 Using GIS and a spatial pattern analysis software FRAGSTATS, this paper attempts to quantificationally analyze and optimize the landscape patterns of Changsha City.The scope of the research is limited to the landscape of Changsha City and the tools in the RS and G1S technology are the main platform in the data processing phase. With the help of GIS software, this article analyzed the aerial photos of Changsha City and the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imageries of Changsha City published in 2000. Based on the landscape ecology, the article divided the area into two-level systems: the first level consists of 6 landscape types, while the second level consists of 15 landscapes types. The article classifies the landscape into 15 types, namely, paddy field, dry land, woodland, shrub, open forest, immature plantation, natural grassland, grassland improvement, city and town, rural residential area land, river and ditch, reservoir and lake, coastal beach, mire and bare area.Applying the spatial pattern analysis software FRAGSTATS of the raster version 3.3, the author calculated a set of landscape indices that corresponds to the three scale levels of patch, class and landscape. The results showed that landscape pattern indices could be successfully used in characterizing the spatial pattern of the studied area,such as landscape fragmentation,dominance,diversity index,evenness index etc. The analysis of the samples shows that, the woodland which has 46.870 7% in the total urban areas is the matrix in ChangSha City.It has better connectivity and integrality than other landscape types. The paddy field is the most complex landscape types.And the areas of natural grassland, grassland improvement and coastal beach are limited. The author also discussed the interior spatial distribution of urban ecosystem by means of the optimization of landscape pattern. The results of the research will assist the author in designing the urban ecosystem of Changsha City.

关 键 词: 地理信息系统 景观格局分析 景观指数 景观格局优化

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 苏佳丽
作者 贾绳之
作者 吴昕玲
作者 夏益敏
作者 詹文静


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊