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Formation and Development of Soil Structure in Tea Garden in Rolling Hill Area under the Influence of Geology

作  者: ; ; (毛东明); (应锡铨);

机构地区: 浙江大学环境与资源学院

出  处: 《茶叶》 2008年第3期160-162,共3页

摘  要: 低丘陵区茶园成土母质以中更新世(Q2)红土为主。由于其中大量氧化铁、铝凝胶的作用,耕作后常出现一特殊的疏松层,容重仅1.0左右,它有保温,保湿,作物易发根等良好作用。试验证明:红壤在熟化过程中,有机质使铁、铝凝胶溶出,疏松层会转为板结。本文提出若干不同于传统的认识:不能笼统地说红壤结构不良;新垦茶地上,应合理利用疏松层的作用,并适当保护;也不应时时提倡破壳中耕松土。 Most of the tea garden soil in rolling hill area is developed from the red paleosol (mainly belongs to Q2). Which contents a lot of Fe2O3 and Al2O3,it is often considered as the highly developed red earth by the pedologists. Because of the gel cementation red soil, once cultivated, usually appears a friable surface layer with a lower volume weight of about 1.0. Which reduces the rat of evaporation of soil water,accelerates the restoration of soil moisture over night and keeps the soil temperature in a warmer condition in winter . These effects may improve the soil physical condition for better tea plant growth. Crust on the top of friable layer sometimes is also helpful to a good water or temperature condition. All aggregates in friable layer is water stable (it is so called "pseudosand"),but deteriorated by the soil organic matter because of the sesqui-oxide (Fe2O3 soil curing the soil some new concepts Key words structure and Al2O3) reduction or chelation. Therefore along with the development of soil curing the soil often changes into stiff relatively. From above mentioned this paper givessome new concepts about soil management in the tea garden.

关 键 词: 茶园土壤 古红土 假砂 氧化铁铝凝胶 红壤结构

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]



机构 历史系


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