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Regional Trial of Tropical High Quality Pasture in the Arid-hot Valley of Yuanmou in Yunnan

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 云南省农业科学院

出  处: 《热带农业科学》 2008年第4期41-46,共6页

摘  要: 对15个热带优良牧草在云南元谋干热河谷进行区域试验研究。结果表明:参试的15个种质生长正常,生长季节产量高,耐热耐旱,是适应本区种植的优良牧草;牧草生物产量排在前3位的品种为杂交臂形草、热研8号坚尼草和热引19号坚尼草,产量分别是20.172、18.587和16.962t/hm2;15个种质生产性能排在前5位的依次为热研8号坚尼草、9号坚尼草、热研11号黑籽雀稗、9610雀稗、FSP2雀稗和10号狗尾草,它们品质优良,可在云南干热河谷区推广应用。 Fifteen tropical high quality pastures were trial planted in the Arid-hot valley of Yuanmou in Yunnan. Result shows that all the 15 high quality pastures grew well. They yielded higher in the growth season and were tolerant to hot and drought. Brachiaria hybrida, Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Reyin No.19 and P. maximum Jacq. cv. Reyan No.8. yielded the highest, 20.172 t/ha, 18.587 t/a and 16.962 t/ha, respectively. P. maximum Jacq. cv. Reyan No.8, P. maximum Jacq. CIAT 9, Paspalum atratum cv. Reyan No.11, P. atratum FSP2, P. atratum CIAT 9610 and Setaria onceps IRRI-10 were found to perform the best with the highest yield, drought resistance and high quality, and can thus be recommended for extension in the arid-hot valleys of Yunnan.

关 键 词: 优良牧草 区域试验 元谋干热河谷

领  域: [农业科学]




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