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Performance Analysis on Hybrid Air-conditioning System with Cromer Cycle Desiccant Wheel

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学化学与化工学院传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《建筑科学》 2008年第8期66-69,102,共5页

摘  要: Cromer循环转轮除湿复合空调系统将转轮除湿与表冷器冷却除湿有机地结合起来,转轮除湿实现系统内部的水分转移,表冷器的冷却除湿把全部湿负荷排到外部环境。本文介绍了Cromer循环转轮除湿复合空调系统的工作原理及特点,给出了其与直接冷却除湿处理新风的比较实例。结果表明,在相同供冷水温度下,该复合空调系统能比直接冷却除湿系统实现更低的送风露点温度,提高表冷器的除湿能力;考虑低温新风可以承担室内显热冷负荷,二种新风处理方法对总的节能性没有影响,但前者送风温度接近13℃且低湿,送风品质更高。该方法可以改善室内空气品质,与直接冷却除湿方法相比不增加制冷能耗,且切实可行,值得进一步研究推广。 The hybrid dehumidification air-conditioning system with a Cromer cycle desiccant wheel can organically combine rotary dehumidification with cooling dehumidification, where the desiccant wheel just transfers water vapor, and the cooling coil does all the dehumidification work. In this paper,the operation principle and characteristics of hybrid air conditioning system with Cromer cycle desiccant wheel were introduced, and the comparisons between a Cromer cycle desiccant system and a cooling dehumidification system were also discussed through an example. The results showed that the Cromer cycle desiccant system could obtain a lower dew point of supply air and enhance the dehumidification capability of the cooling coil without lowering the coil temperature. Considering the outdoor air could deal with some of the sensible cooling load in the space, there was little or no difference in energy consumption between the two outdoor air handling systems, while the former has a higher quality because supply air temperature was close to 13 ℃ and with low humidity. Therefore, the Cromer cycle desiccant system could improve indoor air quality (IAQ) and would not increase energy consumption. It was a feasible method for dehumidification and further research work should be carried out.

关 键 词: 循环 复合空调系统 转轮除湿 冷却除湿 能耗

领  域: [一般工业技术]


作者 彭捷
作者 卢博科
作者 梁萍萍
作者 郑志成


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 四川省体育科学研究所


作者 许治
作者 万良勇
作者 宋舒
作者 黄佑军
作者 王应密