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Left-at-home-adolescents' Perception of Social Support Networks and Their Relevance to Individual Self-esteem and Social Initiative:Variable-centered and Person-centered Perspectives

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 山东师范大学心理学院

出  处: 《心理科学》 2008年第4期827-831,共5页

摘  要: 以来自河南省农村的400名双亲外出、单亲外出和非留守青少年为被试,采用变量中心和个体中心的分析策略,探讨了个体的社会支持网络与其自尊、交往主动性的关系。变量中心的分析发现,不同来源社会支持对于青少年自尊的重要性因留守状况的不同而不同:母亲支持是双亲外出青少年自尊的最佳预测变量,老师支持是非留守青少年自尊的最佳预测变量,父亲支持和老师支持则能够显著地预测单亲外出青少年的自尊;对于三类青少年的交往主动性,老师支持最为重要。个体中心的分析发现,处于高母亲/高父亲/高同学/高老师支持网络中青少年的自尊和交往主动性水平最高。 With a sample of 400 adolescents of " Parents gone for work" (PGW) ," Father gone for work " (FGW) and "Parents staying at home " (PSH) from Henan rural areas, the present study investigated adolescents' perception of social support networks and their relevance to with individual self-esteem and social initiatives through variable-centered and person-centered analyses. Variable-centered analyses indicated that the roles of social support in different social relationships to adolescents' self-esteem varied as a function of the groups. Mother support was the best predictor for PLW adolescents' self-esteem, and teacher supports was the best for PSH adolescents. Father support and teacher support both significantly predicted the variance of FLW adolescents' self-esteem. However, for adolescents' social initiative, teacher support was the best predictor. Person-centered analyses indicated that adolescents who reported high social support in all four relationships had higher self-esteem and social initiative than those from other social support networks.

关 键 词: 留守青少年 社会支持网络 自尊 交往主动性

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教] [文化科学] [文化科学] [经济管理]


作者 胡洁怡
作者 姜怀宇
作者 陶叡
作者 陈少桂
作者 胡卫


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 广州大学


作者 张婉春
作者 张媚
作者 张碧月
作者 张良有
作者 徐敏