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The Action of Storm Surge and Formation of Ancient Marine Eroded Landforms

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《热带地理》 2008年第4期326-330,共5页

摘  要: 华南海岸是中国遭受台风侵袭最多的岸段,台风暴潮期间的波浪对基岩海岸的侵蚀作用自然也很强。但特大高潮出现的机率很小,只有天文潮高潮与台风暴潮同时出现时,暴潮波浪才会作用在较高的位置上,而且一次风暴过程中特大波浪出现的时间也很短,所以,大波浪作用在高位的机会也很小。现代海蚀平台和海蚀穴一定是现代波浪(当然也包括风暴潮期间的波浪)在现代海平面上长时间作用的结果,但风暴潮的高潮位和大波浪不能形成相应高海蚀平台。对照按华南沿岸平均高潮位所推算的海蚀平台高度,在现代海面作用下的华南海蚀平台很难有3m以上的高度,在此高度附近或以上的古海蚀平台即不在现代海平面波浪作用范围之内,也不是风暴潮作用的结果,只能是构造抬升或海平面上升的结果。 The coasts of South China are the ones suffering the most from typhoon attacks in China, so rocky coasts are certainly eroded heavily by the assailing forces of the storm surges during typhoon periods. Only can the big waves act at a very high elevation when the storm surge peak occurs simultaneously with an astronomical high tide. However, there is little probability for a storm surge to occur with such an extremely high water level; furthermore, the duration of the very big waves is short in a storm surge process. The storm surge with an extremely high water level occurs only once in several tens of years, it cannot form a corresponding high level wave cut bench. The wave cut bench elevation calculated from average high tides indicates that modem wave cut bench on the coast of South China cannot be 3 m higher than the modem mean sea level and, therefore, an ancient wave cut bench at or higher than this level is the result of tectonic uPlift or sea level rise and cannot be that of storm surges.

关 键 词: 海蚀平台 风暴潮 天文潮 重现期

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 郑文武


机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院地理科学系


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