机构地区: 华南理工大学电力学院
出 处: 《电源世界》 2008年第6期37-40,共4页
摘 要: 目前,大多数三相SPWM的实现都靠专用芯片,而专用芯片成本较高,对于小功率的逆变器就显得比较昂贵。基于此,本文提出用简单的模拟电路实现逆变器正弦脉宽调制的方案,并用此方法实现了小功率三相变频电压源的设计,得到了较好的效果。 At present,most ot the three phase SPWM technology are realized by special chips, hut those special chips cost very highly,especially for the small power converter. Based for the purpose, this paper develops a simple way named analogue circuit to realize SP-WM control. This new way is proved in the design of three phase small power converter and get good effect.
领 域: [电子电信]