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Variation of Mature Phenotype and Anlage Differentiation of Floret for Tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院林木花卉遗传育种教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《林业科学》 2008年第6期34-38,共5页

摘  要: 对四倍体刺槐和二倍体刺槐花器原基分化过程及花器成熟表型进行常规和电镜扫描观察,比较分析2类刺槐在成熟花器表型方面的差异。四倍体刺槐的苞片、萼裂、花瓣、子房的数目及对称性与二倍体刺槐完全相同,均为↑K(5)C5A(9)+1,G(1∶1∶∞),但四倍体刺槐的相应器官明显比二倍体大。四倍体刺槐花器原基分化的顺序为花萼→花冠→雄蕊→雌蕊,与蝶形花科植物的正常分化模式相比无明显不同。四倍体刺槐各花器的细胞均较大,苞片、花萼及花瓣的表皮毛较长、粗而硬(花萼远轴面除外),表皮细胞表面比较光滑,花器边缘的结构比较圆润;花药形态结构更为丰满,药室空间较大,柱头面积增大且分泌的粘液较多,花丝和花柱以及它们的表皮细胞均较长。四倍体刺槐自身花粉粒的形状结构之间表现出丰富的变异:体积与形状多样,萌发孔沟的数量及位置不固定,外壁表面的纹饰特征彼此不同等等;四倍体刺槐花粉粒体积明显较大,形态、萌发孔沟状态及外壁饰纹也明显不同于二倍体刺槐。在综合分析上述变异的基础上,讨论这些变异的遗传育种学意义。 Variations of the floret anlage differentiation and mature phenotype of both diploid Robinia pseudoacacia (DRP) and tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia (TRP) were observed with optic and scan electron microscopes. The differentiation processes and phenotype characters were found as the following. The number and symmetry of bracts, sepals, petals and ovaries of floret were the same in both DRP and TRP with ↑ K(5)C5A(9) + 1, G (1:1: ∞ ), while the dimensions of the all organs in TRP were bigger than those in DRP. The floret anlages differentiated in turn into calyx → petal→ stamen → pistil, which had no obvious difference from Papilionaceae plants. Compared with DRP, TRP had bigger epidermis cells in bract, sepal and petal, with more velvet surface, thicker-harder-longer epidermis hair on their epidermis (except abaxial surface of calyx), and fatter edge. In TRP, the pollen was chubbier, pollen sac more spatial, stigma plate bigger, stigma more secretion, both filament and style and their epidermis cells longer than DRP. There were remarkable variations in the shape, volume, location and number of bourgeon- hole channels and veins on surface of pollen among pollens of TRP. The pollen of TRP was larger than DRP and the shape, character of bourgeon-hole channel and veins on surface of pollens of TRP were also different from those of DRP. Based on comprehensive analysis of above variations, the implications of these variations in Genetics and Breeding were discussed.

关 键 词: 刺槐 四倍体 花器变异 花原基分化 表型变异

领  域: [农业科学]




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