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Study on the Productivity Potential,Management Models of the Tropical Secondary Forests in China

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省林业科学研究院

出  处: 《广东林业科技》 2008年第2期74-81,共8页

摘  要: 在完成对中国热带地区次生林现状、经营情况的相关资料分析和重点地区的实地调查后认为:从目前次生林的生态效益来看,对比人工林,次生林在涵养水源、保持水土、维持地力等方面表现出较好的效益;与原始林比较,次生林在吸收CO2和释放O2和改良土壤的功能相对强,而固土效益和蓄水效益则较低。在经济效益方面,通过样地的调查分析,由于缺乏经营,次生林的木材生产能力相当低,单位面积平均蓄积量约仅78 m3/hm2,为世界平均森林蓄积水平的68%左右。通过经营,中国次生林有较大的生态和经济潜力开发空间。由于中国经济仍然比较落后,特别是在农村,环境保护和生存问题都很突出。因此,要保护和发展次生林,只有选择生态和经济效益同时兼顾的经营模式,才能实现其可持续性。通过一年的调研,根据中国的经营传统和结合现实状况,归纳出目前在中国可以普遍推广的三个主要经营模式,即:社区综合经营模式、天然林的恢复与重建模式和经济物种套种经营模式。 After completing analyses for related data of present status and management of tropical secondary forests in China and field investigation of key regions, we think that tropical secondary forests display good ecological effects in conserving water, holding water and soil and maintaining soil fertility compared to artificial plantations, whereas their functions of absorbing CO2, releasing O2 and improving soil are strong and fixing soil and retaining water effects are weak. Because of poor management, timber production ability of secondary forests is low, their mean stem volume per unit area is only 78 m^3/hm^2 , being 68% of mean stem volume of forests in the world. Secondary forests of china have relative great ecological and economic potentiality and development space if properly managed. Because Chinese economy, especially its rural economy, is still backward, and it's environmental protection and existence problems are outstanding. Therefore, only choosing the management mode considering both ecological effect and economic effect, can secondary forest protection and sustainable development realized. By 1-year investigation, according to Chinese secondary forest management tradition and present status, we summarized three popular modes, that is the management model of community forest, the management model of rehabilitation and reconstruction of natural forests and the management model of the intercropping of economic plants.

关 键 词: 热带森林 次生林 森林经营

领  域: [农业科学]




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