机构地区: 武汉大学哲学学院
出 处: 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2008年第3期19-23,共5页
摘 要: (1)自然辩证法、分析的科学哲学和思辨哲学对于科学哲学都富有启发力。(2)规范场论最好地体现了"物理定律在变化中的不变性"和康德关于严密科学具有"普遍必然性"的理念。(3)在量子场论总纲领之下,存在着只重视"动力学机制"和只重视"形式因子"的子纲领的竞争,它们在互动中发展。(4)宇宙设计的最基本原则就是:寻求内在的对称性与和谐之美。(5)根据规范场论的纲领,自然界四种相互作用的奥秘在数学上最终都深藏于"规范对称性"之中。对称性破缺,则是隐含对称性的间接表现形式。 ( 1 ) Scientific philosophy and analytical philosophy of Natural dialectics and dialectic analysis are enlightening to scientific philosophy. (2) Normal field theory best manifests "invariableness of physical laws in changes" and Kant' s notion about proper science having "universal inevitability". (3) Under the general principle of quantum field theory, there exist the contention between a sub - principle that only stresses "kinetic mechanism" and another that only stresses "formal factor" ; they develop interactively. (4) According to the principle of normal field theory, the mystery of four types of interactions is mathematically implied in "normal symmetry". The break of symmetry is the indirect manifest of connotative symmetry.
关 键 词: 规范场论纲领 量子场论纲领 康德哲学 内在对称性与和谐之美
领 域: [自然科学总论]