机构地区: 北京师范大学
出 处: 《防灾科技学院学报》 2008年第2期85-90,共6页
摘 要: 2008年初,我国南方大部分省份发生了严重的低温雨雪冰冻灾害,造成了巨大的损失。本文运用灾害学的基本理论分析这场灾害,发现它有许多不同于以往自然灾害的新特点。结合风险管理的理论同时参考国外风险与灾害管理的经验,作者认为政府应该在综合风险防范的基础上进行灾害管理,提出了政府成立综合风险与灾害应急管理常设机构以应对类似灾害的建议。 Most provinces in the south of China suffered from the disaster of low temperature, rain, snow, and frost at the beginning of 2008. The disaster caused enormous losses. This paper analyzes the disaster by using the basic theory of disaster science, and finds out some new features which are different from those in other nature disasters. Combining the theory of risk management and experiences of risk management and disaster management abroad, we think the government should take measures that are based on integrated risk management to prevent disasters. We also suggest that the government set up a new administration to deal with the similar disasters.