机构地区: 常德职业技术学院
出 处: 《图书情报工作》 2008年第7期71-74,139,共5页
摘 要: 从人-机系统的观点分析影响企业竞争情报安全的因素,把影响企业竞争情报安全的主因素分为人、机和环境三个方面;在此基础上进行子因素的划分,认为影响企业竞争情报安全的子因素主要包括:人的意识、人的行为、人际网络、信息技术、内部和外部环境等;详细分析每一种因素对企业竞争情报安全的影响,并给出一些行之有效的安全措施。 From the view of man-machine system, this paper analyzes factors affecting the safety of competitive intelligence, and concludes the factors into three primary aspects, that is man, machine and environment. Then the sub-factors that include consciousness, action, social network, information technology, internal and external environment among three primary factors is categorized. Finally this paper particulariy discusses each safety factor's effects on enterprise competitive intelligence and gives some practical security measures.
领 域: [文化科学]