机构地区: 南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院
出 处: 《广东教育学院学报》 2008年第3期110-112,共3页
摘 要: 当前大学生素质测评存在问题,主要表现为过度侧重考试成绩、过多注重共性引导、重成果轻过程、测评指标体系匹配性差等方面.高等院校应建立以创新为核心的综合测评体系的有效途径,应注重学生知识结构、创新意识、团队精神、社会实践等,建立一套多维综合、面向市场、且具动态导向作用的综合测评体系.同时以其为导向和动力,转变教育方式、营造创新环境,探索一套以"评"促"创"的创新性人才培养模式. The current problems of college students'quality evaluation nowadays lie in over-emphasis on examination results, too much emphasis on general guide, result-based rather than process based evaluation and poor evaluation index system of matching. This article explores some effective ways in setting up the comprehensive evaluation system in institutions of higher learning and makes innovation as the core, involving paying attention to the students' knowledge structure, their sense of innovation, the spirit of teamwork, social practice, and establishing a multi-dimensional integrated, market-oriented and dynamic role in guiding the comprehensive evaluation system, making it the guide and dynamic at the same time, changing educational methods, and creating an innovative environment to explore a set of innovative talents training mode of promoting"innovation'with"assessment'.