机构地区: 贵州省发酵工程与生物制药重点实验室
出 处: 《精细化工》 2008年第6期621-624,共4页
摘 要: 介绍了一种胞外单宁酶的活力检测方法。根据绕丹宁与没食子酸在碱性条件下显色的原理,在520 nm波长下测定吸光值,避开了胞外单宁酶粗酶液中干扰物质的吸收峰波长,建立了一种适合固体发酵所产胞外单宁酶的酶活检测方法。 A method for detecting the activity of extracellular tannase was introduced. According to the coloration reaction between tannase and gallic acid under alkaline condition, the detective wavelengths was set at 520 nm to avoid the absorption peak of interfering substances in crude extracellular tannase solution successfully. A proper method for detecting enzyme activity of extracellular tannase in solid fermentation was founded.