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On the Causes to the Prohibition of Manichaeism in the Kaiyuan Era

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系

出  处: 《中华文史论丛》 2008年第2期293-320,共28页

摘  要: 7世纪末,摩尼教得到唐朝统治者的首肯,正式传入中原。但至开元二十年(732),唐玄宗下令禁止该教在汉人中传播。由於史料缺载,摩尼教被禁的真正原因不得而知。本文在前辈学者研究的基础上,以开元二十年前後密教僧人的活动为线索,综合考察了当时的社会宗教现实,并就密教经文、基本教义和仪轨与摩尼教进行比较,认为唐朝统治者可能是在比对两教经文後,模糊了摩尼教与佛教的本质区别,在密僧的唆使下,认为前者伪称佛教,惑乱民众,才颁下禁令。 At the end of the 7th century,the spread of Manichaeism in China was authorized by Empress Wu Zetian.Emperor Xuanzong,however,prohibited against its missionary work in Han nationality in the 20th year of Kaiyuan era(732 A.D.).The real reason behind was unknown for lack of historical records.On the basis of former researches,the article,with the hint of some tantric masters' activities around 732 A.D.,compares the classics,teachings and rituals of Tantrism and those of Manichaeism and analyzes the social and religious background at that time.It is concluded that Xuanzong confused these two religions after a look-through of their classics.Tantric Buddhists,moreover,probably played a role in rousing the emperor's bias and anger toward Manichaeism.They made him believe Manichaeism disguised as a Buddhist sect and had potential menaces in causing social turbulence.Thus,the ban was issued soon.

关 键 词: 摩尼教 密教 唐朝 开元

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 范慕尤
作者 陈建森
作者 王元林
作者 邱欢颖
作者 林悟殊


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽