机构地区: 中国环境管理干部学院
出 处: 《中国环境管理干部学院学报》 2008年第2期18-20,共3页
摘 要: 红飘带位于秦皇岛市的汤河公园,它在将具有视觉冲击的设计元素溶于一体的同时还有着重要的生态目标,提供了一种保护河岸和生态恢复的有效途径。红飘带设计中体现了保护当地生境、最少干预和简约生态设计等生态理念,这些生态理念的应用使得红飘带在一个简洁和经济的设计中将生态与艺术完美结合,成为现在"资源节约型和环境友好型"园林的典范。由此,本文提出应该在整体上进一步提高汤河生态系统健康水平的建议。 The Red Ribbon was located in the Tanghe River Park. It integrated visually striking design elements as while as had important ecological objectives and provided an effective means of protecting the riverbank and ecological restoration. Te design of the Red Ribbon in-carnated some ecological ideas, such as protecting the local environment, minimum intervention and simple ecological design, which was the perfect combination of ecology and art in a simple and economic design and became an example for resource--conserving and environmental-friendly society. Based on this, this article presented some suggestions on improving the health of Tanghe ecosystem.
关 键 词: 汤河带状公园 红飘带 生态理念 节约型园林 生态系统健康
领 域: [环境科学与工程]