机构地区: 郑州轻工业学院材料与化学工程学院河南省表界面科学重点实验室
出 处: 《计算机与应用化学》 2008年第5期619-621,共3页
摘 要: 管壳式换热器的传统设计过程计算工作量大、效率低和设计质量不理想。本文在Windows环境中,以Visual Basic 6.0编程语言为平台,开发管壳式换热器的设计软件,集工艺计算、结构、强度设计于一体,界面友好,灵活方便。软件内设开放性数据库,实现了人机交互图表查取、辅助绘图以及设计文件的自动生成。软件计算准确,可供工程设计或教学使用,也可供类似软件的开发借鉴。 The design quality of shell-tube heat exchanger with conventional design process was non-ideal because of its heavy calculation task and low efficiency. This paper introduced the development of design software for shell-tube heat exchanger which were based on Visual Basic 6.0 under Windows environment. In this software, the functions such as calculation of process and designs of structure and intensity were integrated, the flexible and convenience characteristic and friendly interface were also considered, the problems such as the database with opening characteristic, the interaction of man and computer, drawing assisted by computer and automatic producing of technology documents were dissolved with internal databases. The software could be used for design and teaching, while the ide- as could be consulted by others for development of similar software.
领 域: [化学工程]