机构地区: 大连理工大学土木工程学院
出 处: 《船舶力学》 2008年第2期305-310,共6页
摘 要: 利用双重有限余弦积分变换的方法推导出了四边固定支承条件下,矩形薄板的固有频率和振型的解析解表达式。由于在求解过程中不需要事先人为地选取挠度函数,而是从弹性薄板的基本振动方程出发,直接利用数学的方法求出可以完全满足四边固定支承的边界条件,弹性矩形薄板的固有频率和振型解析解,使得问题的求解更加合理化。最后,还给出了计算实例来验证文中所采用的方法以及所推导出的公式的正确性。 The theoretical solution of eigenfrequncies and vibration models of rectangular thin plate with completely supported was derived by the double finite cosine integral fransform method.Due to the basic dynamic elasticity equations of the thin plate were only used and it is not need prior to select the deformation function arbitrarily. Therefore, the solution in the paper is reasonable and theoretical. In order to proof the correction of formulations, the numerical results are also presented to comparing with that of the other references.
关 键 词: 四边固定 矩形薄板 固有频率和振型 有限余弦积分变换
领 域: [建筑科学]