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Annotating on Sishu in South Song Dynasty

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学历史文化学院

出  处: 《中国历史地理论丛》 2008年第1期115-121,共7页

摘  要: 南宋"四蜀",即为北宋时的四川,继有先秦巴、蜀两个方国和秦汉以后巴郡、蜀郡的地域范围。五代十国时期,由于前蜀、后蜀两个政权的先后存在,"蜀"便成了对四川地区的专称,并为宋代人所继承。此外,"四蜀"有其特定的内涵。行政区划上,是"川峡四路";职官设置上,为四安抚使和四都统制。这充分表现在有关南宋史实的文献记载中。在标点时,"四蜀"应该是一专有名词。 Sishu in South Song Dynasty was Sichuan in North Song Dynasty, which had territories of the two kingdoms--Ba and Shu, and the two districts--Shujun and Bajun since the Qin dynasty. During the Five Dynasities and Ten States, “Shu” had become the appellation of the Sichuan which was accepted by the Song Dynasty. Besides, in South Song Dynasty, “Sishu” had its own characters. First, it was the Chuanxiasilu in district; second, it was Sianfushi and Sidutongzhi on the setup of government. All of these were represented in the literature recordation of South Song Dynasty. So we should take it as a term when punctuating the word “Sishu”.

关 键 词: 南宋 四川 四蜀

领  域: [历史地理]


作者 臧俊改
作者 郭丽冰
作者 方如金
作者 赖婉琴
作者 叶伟华


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平