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Macronutrients and allocations to different organs in one-to three-year-old Taxus chinensis var.mairei

作  者: ; ; ; (吴进才); (吴长义);

机构地区: 浙江林学院林业与生物技术学院

出  处: 《浙江林学院学报》 2008年第2期195-199,共5页

摘  要: 对1~3年生南方红豆杉Taxusc.hinensisvar.mairei各器官的生物量和营养元素质量分数进行研究。结果表明,1~3年生南方红豆杉各器官生物量每年以10倍左右速度递增,且根冠比逐年增大。氮、磷、钾、钙和镁等5种元素质量分数在1年生和2年生南方红豆杉中总体表现为叶〉根〉枝,而3年生则表现为叶〉枝〉根;随着年龄增大,叶片中氮、磷、钾和钙质量分数降低,而镁增高,枝中氮、镁质量分数增加,磷、钾质量分数减小,根部5种营养元素质量分数均减小。随着年龄的增长,各器官营养元素不断积累,其中以氮和镁积累速度最快,2种元素每年积累量均以10倍左右速度递增;5种营养元素在1年生植株中的积累量表现为氮〉钾〉钙〉磷〉镁,而2~3年生均表现为氮〉钾〉镁〉钙〉磷。遮阳措施使氯在叶片中质量分数增加,而在枝、根中减少;磷在叶、枝、根中均呈现增加趋势;钾在叶和根中均增加,在枝中则减少,对钙、镁质量分数影响不大;遮阳措施有利于磷、钾的积累,而减少对氮、镁和钙的吸收,5种营养元素在植株体内的总积累量减少了6.8%。 Taxus chinensis var. mairei, a rare and endangered species, both is a beautiful garden tree and a good timber tree, especially, its extract (taxol) can be used for medicine to treat cancers. This trial studied the macronutrients and allocations to different organs in T. chinensis var. mairei seedlings in order to improve its cultivation level. T. chinensis var. mairei were planted in Tonglu County, Zhejiang Province, treated with fertilizer (N: P2Os: K20 = 16: 16: 16) in the end o~ March every year. The N, P, K, Ca, and Mg contents in leaf, root, and branch organs of T. chinensis var. mairei and the organs' drought weight for one- to three- year-old seedlings were analyzed in November 2006 by random sampling With three replications. Results showed that drought weight of the three different organs increased 10 times every year firstthree years, and the root/crown ratio also increased . Nutrient elements for one- and two-year-old seedlings were in the order of leaf 〉 root 〉 branch, while in three-year-old seedlings the order was leaf 〉 branch 〉 root. As the seedlings grew, leaf N, P, K, and Ca increased, but Mg decreased; branch N and Mg increased, whereas P, K, and Ca decreased; and root nutrient elements all decreased. Of the five nutrient elements in the three organs, N and Mg accumulated faster increasing about 10 times each year. Accumulation in the first year was: N 〉 K 〉Ca〉P 〉Mg, whereas in the second and third years the order was N 〉 K 〉 Mg 〉 Ca 〉P. A shading treatment (25% shading from April to November in 2006) increased N in leaves but decreased N in branches and roots; increased P in leaves, branches, and roots; increased K in roots and leaves but decreased K in branches: and had little influence on Ca and Mg content. For the shading treatment, accumulation of the 5 nutrients in T. chinensis var. mairei decreased 6. 8 %. [ Ch, 3 tab. 13 ref. ]

关 键 词: 植物学 南方红豆杉 营养元素 幼苗

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 李秀平
作者 喻新华


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


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作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
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作者 吴肖林