机构地区: 华南理工大学电力学院
出 处: 《电力系统自动化》 2008年第6期41-45,90,共6页
摘 要: 采用互补群能量壁垒/扩展等面积准则分析多机系统中特高压直流紧急直流功率支援(EDCPS)提高暂态稳定性的机理,研究了大扰动下恒阻抗—恒电流—恒功率(ZIP)静态负荷模型、感应电动机(IM)负荷模型对特高压EDCPS效果的影响,深入分析了送、受端网区ZIP静态负荷模型中不同比例的恒功率有功负荷、恒电流有功负荷、恒阻抗有功负荷及其不同比例感应电动机动态负荷对特高压EDCPS策略的影响。研究表明,大扰动下IM比ZIP负荷吸收更多有功。送、受端IM负荷对大扰动后EDCPS下的功角稳定性影响是相反的,送端改善其支援效果而受端则恶化其效果;至于全网采用综合模型后相对于ZIP模型对功角的影响,要衡量送、受端网区负荷量的大小,若送端负荷小于受端负荷则恶化支援下的功角稳定性,需适当增大直流提升量或适时提前投入功率支援。 The mechanism of UHVDC emergency DC power support (EDCPS) to enhance transient stability is analyzed based on the CCEBC/EEAC method. The impacts of ZIP load, IM load, load composition, and load location on the EDCPS performance following large disturbances are studied. It is found that following a large disturbance, IM load absorbs more active power than ZIP load and the influence of the sending-end IM load on the post-fault EDCPS power-angel stability is completely opposite to that of receiving-end load. The sending-end loads are helpful to enhance the system stability. In the case that the sending-end load is smaller than the receiving-end load, synthesis load tends to deteriorate the post-fault EDCPS effect, and the active power support needs to be increased or provided in good advance.