机构地区: 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所
出 处: 《光子学报》 1997年第10期941-945,共5页
摘 要: 本文讨论了时间分辨电子显微镜中电子束聚焦系统的设计.设计的聚焦系统为磁聚焦双聚光镜系统.采用有限元素法计算了聚焦系统的磁场分布,用Runge-Kutta法追迹了电子的运动轨迹,并给出了当样品面上照明光斑的尺寸为设计值时双聚光镜系统的工作参数.采用该双聚光镜系统可为样品提供1μm的照明光斑,满足了时间分辨电子显微镜实现10nm的空间分辨率、100ps的时间分辨率的要求. The design of focusing system, which consists of two magnetic focusing lenses, in time--resolved electron microscope is discussed. The design methods, including finite element method (FEM)used for calculating magnetic field and Runge -- Kutta method used for tracing electron trajectory,are also involved. The operation modes of this focusing system, which can provide illumination size of 1μm on the sample,are presented. By using this focusing system,the time--resolved electron microscope with temporal resolution of 100ps and spatial resolution on 10 nm can be achievable.
领 域: [电子电信]