作 者: ;
机构地区: 云南师范大学国际语言文化学院
出 处: 《肇庆学院学报》 2008年第1期29-33,共5页
摘 要: 现代汉语构词法的五种基本类型包括联合式、偏正式、补充式、动宾式、主谓式,这已成为公认的语言事实,但近几年随着研究的深入,人们又挖掘出了一些新的构词法,如"连动"构词法、"意合式"构词法、"逆序式"构词法等。然而这些新发现的构词法与原有的五种构词法间充满了纠结,根据何种标准将他们区分开来,这可以说是摆在汉语研究者面前的重要任务。 Recent years, researching into The Contemporary Chinese Word-building becomes more and more meticulously and exactly. Compares and analyzes the Sequential Verb compound and Verb-complement compound, which are dug out by people lately, then considers that the inner logical relationship and the relationship between the Subjects are diverse. Further, widens investigative view, which puts Sequential Verb compound and Verb-complement compound into the academic background of the Single Sentence and Sentences Group to study. Then finds out that both Sequential Verb compound and Verb-complement compound represents respective characteristics among the comprehensive affiliations with other grammatical elements, even with the adjoining sentences.
关 键 词: 构词法 连动复合词 动补复合词 对比研究 句群
领 域: [语言文字]