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The Relationship among Consumer's Travel Behavior,Urban Commercial and Residential Spatial Structure in Guangzhou,China

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院城市与区域研究中心

出  处: 《地理学报》 2008年第4期395-404,共10页

摘  要: 商业业态空间和居住空间是城市空间结构研究中的两个重要领域,通过分析居民微观行为解释实体空间是近年来城市商业业态空间和居住空间研究领域中越来越多被使用的研究方法。以联系商业业态空间与居住空间的纽带—消费者行为作为切入点,选择广州市8个街区的1428位居民为调查对象,研究二者的特征及关系。通过典型街区的问卷调查分析表明:①居民购物出行方式选择、出行距离和多目的出行与所处街区的类型、区位、周边服务配套和城市商业业态空间等存在密切的关系。②商业空间的等级体系清晰存在,老城区传统商业中心仍存在较强的吸引力;20世纪80年代以后形成的新商业中心区次之,二者在吸引人群的类型上存在差异;次一级商业中心区和日常生活服务配套区在为居民提供日常消费服务方面扮演着重要的角色。③城市新商业中心和外围商业次中心的在服务能力和提供的业态类型上还存在不足,使其服务供给与周边居民的购物需求之间存在某种程度的不匹配,引发对老城区的过度依赖。④外围商品房小区和政府规划建设的经济适用房小区周边的商业配套不足,增加了居民日常生活成本。通过对居民出行空间的分析,可以从另一侧面剖析城市的空间结构及其发展演变的动力机制。 The study on spatial pattern of both urban commercial and residential places is one of the important fields in urban geography. The analysis on micro-behavior has become one of the more frequently used methods in recent years. In order to better understand the characteristics and the relationship between urban commercial and residential space, a case study in Guangzhou is done, and the data based on. a questionnaire with 1428 people involved from eight typical communities are collected. The analysis shows that firstly, people's travel mode, trip distance and multi-objective traveling are closely realted with type of communities, location, service around, and urban commercial space. Secondly, the hierachical system of urban commercial space clearly exists. The traditional shopping center is one of the most attractive centers, followed by the new shopping centers formed in the 1980s. However, the type of the consumers attracted is different. The sub-centers and service area around the neighborhoods also play an important role in daily shopping service. Thirdly, because of the mismatch between commercial supply and consumer's demand, some of the residents living in the Danwei (work place) residential areas regularly visit the traditional commercial centers in the inner city. Finally, due to the lack of shopping supply, people in commercial housing area and the economic affordable housing area in the peripheries, can go shopping nearby but have to go to the commercial centers for regular shopping, which increases their expenses. Thus analyzing the distribution pattern of people's shopping travel is one of the means for understanding the characteristics and developing dynamic pattern of urban structure.

关 键 词: 消费者行为 商业业态空间 居住空间 广州

领  域: [经济管理] [建筑科学]


作者 聂波
作者 骆玉婷
作者 张殿
作者 袁伟锋
作者 姜辽


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学


作者 张萌
作者 谢冠一
作者 张勇
作者 冯琼
作者 刘高勇