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Ornamental Alien Fishes in China

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所

出  处: 《热带农业科学》 2008年第1期34-40,76,共8页

摘  要: 调查总结了我国常见外来观赏鱼的种类及分类地位、起源、引进途径和引种所带来的问题,查明我国常见的外来观赏鱼有26科74属103种,其中丽鱼科(Cichlidae)、脂鲤科(Characidae)、鲤科(Cyprinidae)分别为33、17、14种;来源于美洲、亚洲、非洲的种类分别占51.5%、31.6%、14.0%。鉴于我国在观赏鱼的引进方面存在盲目性——引种主要用于观赏、科普,但若重于引进而疏于管理,可能导致外来物种逃逸到自然环境中,造成潜在的环境生态影响。因此,结合我国的实际,提出应对外来观赏鱼类生物入侵的措施和建议,以期为我国预防和控制观赏鱼物种入侵提供参考。 An investigation was launched on alien ornamental species to obtain baseline data and identify causes of invasion, based on which effective control strategies and measures were put forward. Data on classification, origin and invasion of alien species were analyzed. The investigation showed that 103 alien ornamental species under 74 genus and 26 families were identified in China, of which 33, 17 and 14 species are under the respective families of Cichlidae, Characidae, Cyprinidae. The alien ornamental species were originated from America, Asia and Africa, making up 51.5%, 31.6% and 14.0% of the total alien ornamental species, respectively. Little awareness of ecological and environmental consequences caused by alien species resulted in unlimited introduction of alien species. And moreover, much effort has been made to introduce alien species, while little attention has been paid to the management of the introduced alien species, which allows their easy escape into natural environments, posing potential threats to the environment. It is hence recommended that quarantine measures should be strictly implemented. Some suggestions on coping with the alien species based on the local conditions were made as references to prevent and control of biological invasion in China.

关 键 词: 观赏鱼类 外来物种 逃逸 生物入侵 引种 归化 名录

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [生物学]


作者 黎明华
作者 王冠东
作者 许哲峰
作者 党海军
作者 戴建兰


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 学院


作者 丁培强
作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 吴肖林