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Interaction and Attitude:Migrant Peasant Workers in the Eyes of Urban Citizens:A Survey of the Guangzhou Citizens

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院社会科学系

出  处: 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期183-192,共10页

摘  要: 依据对广州市民的问卷调查,文章发现:农民工成了市民生活中不可缺少的一部分,大部分市民可以接受农民工成为自己的同事、邻居、朋友乃至老板,但难以接受他们成为家庭成员;市民高度认同"农民工干了城里人不愿干的脏活、重活、危险活"的说法,但他们对农民工的评价总体"一般"偏下;市民赞成农民工应该与市民一样同等享受医疗保险、子女义务教育,参加工会和人大选举,但并不认可同等享有失业救济、低保和廉租房。影响对农民工权益评价的主要因素是与农民工的交往程度:与单位内农民工交往越多,对其权益评价越正面;与单位外农民工交往越多,对其权益评价则越负面。对农民工看法和态度的差异,表现了城市居民不同群体的分歧和矛盾。它是二元经济体制在城市居民价值观和社会心理上的表现,是研究农民工问题及其解决办法时必须面对的一个社会现实。 Based on the survey of Guangzhou citizens, this article finds that migrant peasant workers constitute an integrated part of citizens' life. Most citizens can accept migrant peasant workers as their colleagues, neighbors, friends and even bosses, but not as their family members. Citizens highly identify with this statement-'Migrant peasant workers do dirty, arduous and dangerous jobs that citizens do not want to do' , but their general evaluation of them is below the average. Citizens agree that migrant peasant workers should enjoy the same health insurance, compulsory education, union participation and congressional election as urban citizens, but not unemployment benefits, minimum livelihood guarantee and economic housing. The main factor that influences the evaluation of migrant peasant workers' rights and benefits is the extent of interaction with them. The more the interaction with migrant peasant workers of the same work units, the more positive the evaluation is; while the more interaction with migrant workers of other work units, the more negative the evaluation is. The difference in the opinion and attitude of migrant peasant workers reflects the divergence and contradiction in different groups of urban citizens. It is a reflection of the dual economy's influence on citizens' value and social psychology, and the social reality that must be faced in the studies of issues about migrant peasant workers and the corresponding policies.

关 键 词: 交往 态度 农民工评价 农民工权益评价

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 于汝霜
作者 胡杨玲
作者 陈小娟
作者 罗明忠
作者 杨肖锋


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来