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The Formation of Classics:Li Po's Poems in the Tang and Five Dynasties

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院中文系

出  处: 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期82-87,共6页

摘  要: 李白在世时,他的诗歌就引起人们的关注和惊奇,其雄奇、纵逸、清新的审美品质,受到特别的关注和阐释,这是李诗成为经典的关键性开端。殷璠《河岳英灵集》最先选入李诗并准确评说其最突出的特点,对李诗的经典进程影响很大。杜甫是李白最深至的知己,他对李白的评论皆属极富远见卓识的经典之论。中晚唐人不断发现李诗所体现的盛唐气象,李诗的经典价值得到进一步确认。现存唐人编选的唐诗选本共有四种选录李诗,共选76首,辅以一些序论评说。唐人对李白及其诗的评说更多地散见于诗歌、序跋、笔记等多种史料中。这些信息反映了唐人对李白的审美判断和经典选择,反映了李诗逐步成为经典的微妙历程。 When Li Po was alive, his poems started to draw people's attention and surprised them. The aesthetic qualities of being magnificent, novel, unconventional and natural were special focuses for attention and interpretation. Yin Fan's He Yue Ying Ling Ji first collected Li's poems and acutely observed the outstanding features, exerting great influences on the classics forming process of Li Po's poems. Since then, people in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty gradually discovered the atmosphere of High Tang that Li's poems embodied. Therefore, the classic value of Li's poems is further confirmed. In the existing selections of Tang poetry compiled by Tang people, there are four selected copies with seventy-six Li's poems recorded with some prologues and comments. These comments are sporadic in history files such as poems, notes, prefaces and postscripts. All these reflect Tang people's aesthetic judgment on Li Po and their classics choice, and the delicate process of Li's poems becoming the classics.

关 键 词: 李白诗 唐五代 经典 形成

领  域: [文学]


作者 誉高槐
作者 严宝刚
作者 范崇峰
作者 胡敏沪
作者 何和义


机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 学院
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青