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Linguistic Memes and Their Rhetoric Effects

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《外语学刊》 2008年第1期68-73,共6页

摘  要: 从语言学的角度看,模因论可以用于解释许多语言现象,可以启发我们从另外的角度探讨语言的起源,更可以指导我们如何更有效地学习语言和运用语言。本文主要讨论语言模因与修辞的关系。语言模因在语言的使用中会产生明显的修辞效应。本文首先介绍模因复制和传播过程的重复与类推规律,然后讨论语言模因的修辞效应问题。作者谈到,语言模因流传过程产生的修辞效应孰好孰坏的关键是语言模因本身。修辞学者要研究的是模因流传与修辞效应的关系问题。这个问题不但涉及修辞手法产生的修辞效果问题,而且涉及语言规范和语言政策的大事。作为本文的结束语,作者指出,语言模因产生的修辞效应是正面还是负面要看语言模因本身的生命力,它的传播能量和它被使用的频率;语言模因传播过程中出现的社会语用问题要有一个正确的态度:多点宽容,少点指责,也不过于放任自流。研究语言模因及其修辞效应可以帮助我们找到修辞教学改革的依据,为适应社会大众使用语言的需要,我们要在传统的修辞理论的基础上勇于革新。 From linguistic point of view, memetics can be used to interpret language phenomena, explore the origin of language, and serve as guidelines for learning and applying language effectively. This paper mainly deals with the relationship between memetics and rhetoric. In the process of using language, linguistic memes may bring about obvious rhetoriccal effects, and this paper intro- duces, first of all, the repetition and analogy as representations of memes in the course of their replicating and transmitting, then discusses the rhetorical effectiveness emerged during the spread of memes. The author holds that there is no need to talk about positive or oegative effects of rhetoric, since it is the memes that are the main concern in the process of meme-spreading. It is im- perative for rhetoricians to study the relationship between the spread of memes and the effects of rhetoric. This is not merely a matter of the effectiveness caused by rhetorical means, but a matter having to do with the normativeness and policy of language. Towards the end of this paper, the author points out that the effectiveness of rhetoric depends on longevity of the memes, their ca- pabilities of being spread and used. As to the problematic usage in society, we should have a correct attitude towards its perform- ance: show more tolerances, and less complaints. However, we should never let it spread unchecked. To study linguistic memes and their rhetorical effects will help us to take for granted the importance in the teaching reform of rhetoric. To meet the needs of the broad masses of people in usin~ language effectively, we must be brave reformers on the basis of traditional theory of rhetoric.

关 键 词: 语言模因 模因的复制与传播 修辞 修辞效应

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 廖迅乔
作者 温荣芬
作者 宁峰
作者 方德娟
作者 周文德


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学


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