机构地区: 对外经济贸易大学金融学院
出 处: 《金融理论与实践》 2008年第2期6-10,共5页
摘 要: 货币竞争的基础是经济主体的理性选择,其结果就是货币替代。人民币区域化实质上是人民币积极参与区域货币竞争,并试图替代区域内其他货币的过程。尽管在货币竞争中胜出的收益大于成本,但享受利益与承担成本的主体不同,常常使一国政府在面临本币国际化时犹豫不决。鉴于目前人民币在区域货币竞争中的地位,为取得人民币区域货币竞争的最后胜利,应在维持人民币势力范围的同时积极寻求区域货币联盟,同时加快经济与金融体制改革。 Currency competition is based on the fundamental assumption of rational choice by economic agents, and the consequence of which is currency substitution. RMB regionalization is the process of participating in regional currencies competition within the region and trying to replace other currencies. It is hesitant for the government to make the decision when facing currency internationalization, in which the profit in the currency competition exceeds the costs, but who enjoys the benefits and assumes the costs are uncertain. In order to get the final victory in the currency competition, RMB should maintain its sphere influence while actively seeking regional monetary union, and accelerate economic and financial reform.
领 域: [经济管理]