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Spatial Planning for Agricultural Production for Making the Beijing City as a Good Living Place

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国农业大学

出  处: 《资源科学》 2008年第2期162-168,共7页

摘  要: 北京市总体上已步入工业化后期阶段。不断增加的财政收入使政府有能力实现反哺农业。人民的消费结构也向着除食物消费之外的现代物质消费和精神文化消费并重转变。这使政府和民众不再仅仅关心经济发展,而更注重对生态环境保护和建设。因此,对于有着约1500×104人口、水土资源都很紧张的北京来说,农业的发展更应该注重对其生态功能、景观文化功能的开发,为建设生态环境良好,景色优美的"宜居城市"服务。据此,本文根据北京市的水土资源禀赋和城市总体规划,构建了以城市为中心的4个"农业圈",即:城市花园农业圈、近郊平原景观绿化农业圈、远郊平原规模高效生态农业圈、山区生态涵养特色农业圈等。这种农业圈层设计突破了传统的近郊蔬菜、远郊粮油的农业圈层模式,是一个与土地资源禀赋相协调、与北京城市空间结构和发展定位相协调的布局,是一个更注重农业的生态环境效应的布局。该布局突出了农业的公益性,仅仅靠市场机制是难以实现的,必须通过政府的财政补贴和各种形式的财政转移支付来实现。 Since 1984, Beijing's economy has being grown rapidly. Nowadays, Beijing has entered into a post-industrial society and people's living standards have reached a higher level. So the government as well as the people not only concern the modernization of the city construction, but also pay more and more attention to the environment protection, ecology conservation and landscape construction. Beijing is a big city with 15 million citizens, badly restricted by water shortage and land resource deficiency. Developing modern urban agriculture will not only exploit the sightseeing function and tourism function of agriculture for increasing farmer' s income, but also utilize agriculture' s landscape and ecological functions to make Beijing city more comfortable in living and more beautiful in scenery. In this paper, spatial planning of agriculture is defined and four agricultural development zones are planned,which are: 1 ) Inner-city zone for urban beautification in which there are a little farmland plots for planting flowers and lawn; 2) City-skirt zone for green landscape in which farmland should plant fruit trees, grain crops and grass; 3) Suburban plain zone for eco-agriculture in which farmland should plant vegetables and grain: and 4 ) Mountainous area for ecological conservation and production of local agricultural products. Such a spatial planning of agricultural industry breaks through the traditional pattern of agricultural zone and is harmonious with the specific land resource situation, the urban spatial structure and the socialeconomic development orientation of Beijing. Also such a spatial planning gives less concerns on farmers' economic benefits, but highlights the public benefits. So it's hard to realize through market mechanism. Therefore, the government should directly pay subsidies to farmers.

关 键 词: 农业 布局 宜居城市 北京

领  域: [经济管理] [建筑科学]


作者 李国进
作者 李宝荣
作者 林晓芬
作者 胡玉娟
作者 容贤敏


机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东省社会科学院


作者 张萌
作者 谢冠一
作者 张勇
作者 冯琼
作者 刘高勇