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Abundance and Deficiency Indices of Soil Available N,P and K for Rice in Marine Foreland Based on ASI

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (宋韦); (朱春梅);

机构地区: 华北水利水电学院资源与环境学院

出  处: 《中国农业科学》 2008年第1期138-143,共6页

摘  要: 【目的】为滨海滩涂地精准施肥提供理论依据。【方法】2005和2006年运用ASI法对位于黄海之滨的海丰农场进行土壤养分含量测定及水稻氮、磷、钾肥施用的推荐。选取60块肥力从高到低田块,利用不施肥、不施氮肥、不施磷肥、不施钾肥和施肥5个处理、3次重复的设计方案进行田间小区试验,按照相对产量<50%时的土壤养分含量为"极低"、50%~75%为"低"、75%~95%为"中"、>95%为"高"、再降为95%时为"过高"的标准建立土壤有效氮、磷、钾的丰缺指标体系。【结果】滨海滩涂水稻田土壤铵态氮的"极低"指标为<2.5mgN·L-1,"低"为2.5~11.0mgN·L-1,"中"为11.0~19.5mgN·L-1,"高"为19.5~34.0mgN·L-1,"极高"为>34.0mgN·L-1;土壤有效磷的"极低"指标在海丰农场供试田块没有表现出来,"低"为<13.0mgP·L-1,"中"为13.0~28.5mgP·L-1,"高"为28.5~60.0mgP·L-1,"极高"为>60.0mgP·L-1;土壤有效钾的"极低"指标为<35.0mgK·L-1,"低"为35.0~95.0mgK·L-1,"中"为95.0~175.0mgK·L-1,"高"为175.0~335.0mgK·L-1,"极高"为>335.0mgK·L-1。【结论】运用土壤养分状况系统分析法(ASI)和田间试验设计相结合是建立水稻土壤氮、磷、钾丰缺指标行之有效的方法。 [Objective] To provide theoretic support for precision fertilization in the marine foreland to Yellow Sea of China. [Method] This study used ASI (Agro Services Intemational) method to test soil samples and recommend N, P, K fertilizers application rates, and conducted plot experiments of five treatments (①no fertilization, ② no N, ③no P, ④no K, ⑤all N, P, K and other fertilizers recommendation rates) and triplicate in 60 fields from low to high fertility in Haifeng Farm in 2005 and 2006, and calibrate ASI soil test according to the typical response categories (50%, 75%, 95% of relative yield to soil nutrient values) to establish the abundance and deficiency indices of soil available N, P and K for rice in marine foreland based on ASI soil testing and fertilizer recommendation. [Result] The very low, low, medium, high and very high index for soil NH4^+ -N were 〈2.5mgN·L^-1, 2.5-11.0 mgN·L^-1, 11.0-19.5 mgN·L^-1, 19.5-34.0 mgN·L^-1, and〉34.0mgN·L^-1, respectively. The very low critical concentration index for soil available P was not appeared in Haifeng Farm, the low, medium, high and very high critical concentration for soil available P were 〈 13.0 mgP·L^-1, 13.0-28.5 mgP·L^-1 , 28.5-60.0 mgP·L^-1, and 〉60.0 mgP·L^-1, respectively. The critical very low, medium, high and very high concentration for soil available K were 〈35.0 mgK·L^-1, 35.0-95.0 mgK·L^-1, 95.0-175.0 mgK·L^-1, 175.0-335.0 mgK·L^-1, and 〉335.0 mgK·L^-1, respectively. [Conclusion] Combining ASI systematic approach and field experiments would be rational and effective methods to establish the critical indices of soil nutrients for rice.

关 键 词: 滨海滩涂地 水稻 丰缺指标

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


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