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Study on the Chemical Structure of Xylan-lignin Complex

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 山东轻工业学院轻化与环境工程学院山东省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室

出  处: 《中国造纸学报》 2007年第4期1-4,共4页

摘  要: 在木聚糖存在的条件下,以木素前驱物-松柏醇葡萄糖甙作为起始物在多种酶(β-葡萄糖甙酶、葡萄糖氧化酶和辣根过氧化物酶)的协同作用下,生物合成出木素脱氢聚合物(DHP)与木聚糖的复合体(简称DHPXC)。对其进行酶降解处理除去游离的木聚糖,并对与木素有连接的木聚糖分子链进行切短,得到水不溶部分(简称DHPXC-IS)。利用高分辨率的固体和液体^(13)C-NMR对分离产物进行分析,结果表明,在木聚糖存在下,DHP生成过程中与木聚糖之间主要以苯甲醚键和酯键的形式连接。生成的木素主要以β-O-4、β-β、β-5和β-1为主,有一定量以α-O-4连接,含有少量的松柏醇/醛结构,另外还存在少量香草醛结构及α位带有亚甲基结构的苯丙烷结构和醚化5-5′结构。 Based on the synthesized coniferin and coniferin-[ α-13^C] which are lignin precursors, lignin aggradation process in the initial stage of cell wall development was simulated. The complex of dehydrogen polymer of ligin and xylan( DHPXC)was produced with coniferin as ligin precursor by biosynthesis process in the presence of peroxidase, glucose oxidase and β-glucosidase. In order to raise the frequency of lignin-carbohydrate bonds, the DHPXCs were hydrolyzed with xylanase and the water-insoluble fraction (DHPXC-IS) was prepared. The 13^C-NMR spectrum of DHPXC and DHPXC-IS proved DHP connects with xylan through benzyl ether linkage and ester linkage which mainly occurre at α-position. It was also proved that β-O-4, β-β, β-5 and β-1 are the main substructures in DHP. Moreover, there are also a few coniferyl alcohol and coniferyl aldehyde, vanillin, phenylpropane units with α-methylene and some etherified 5-5' substructure.

关 键 词: 木聚糖 标记

领  域: [轻工技术与工程]


作者 冯捷蕴


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


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