机构地区: 中山大学法学院
出 处: 《当代法学》 2008年第1期18-23,共6页
摘 要: 本文立足于我国新闻评论涉讼现状,结合法经济学的权利相互性理论和英美诽谤法,综合分析了公正评论抗辩原则的制度理念,适用规则等问题,在分析的过程中本文结合了我国民法典侵权行为编的起草现状以及司法实践中存在的对评论性文章保护不力的状况,提出了解决问题的思路及相应立法建议。 This paper, based on the contemporary status of the suits on media infringement, applying the theory of the reciprocal nature of rights and of Anglo - American libel law, gives a comprehensive analysis on the idea , applicable rules and other issues of fair comment principle, and proposed the idea to solve the problem and the corresponding legislative proposals basing on the drafting status of the Torts Part of our Civil Code and on the situation of inadequate protection for comments in judicial practice.